How to Make Valentine’s Greetings


Royal Lace® Doily Crafts

craft // your own

Valentine Greeting

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Materials Needed:


  1. Fold the doily in half and position fold at bottom. Bring left & right ends together in center front of doily so that folds meed in center. This forms a triangle with a rounded top, point at bottom. (See illustration)

    2. Taking folded points, fold them down to create flaps. (See illustration)

    3. Spacing them evenly, cut three 1/4″ long slits along remaining center fold line. Repeat along other fold. (See illustration)

    4. Pink edges of tulle. Gather piece of tulle at bottom and staple to inside back of doily.

    5. Create “bouquet” inset. Draw a triangle about  2 1/2″x 2 1/2″ x 4″ on heavy paper, draw a roughly scalloped top, then cut out. Attach chosen flower or Victorian motif cutouts to this triangle base, placing 4″ side at top. Glue photos to paper to create a bouquet. Overlap and glue flower motifs so that some will come over the top of the triangle.

    6. Place the “bouquet” inset over top of the tulle, placing point of triangle at bottom inside of doily fold. Glue or staple.

    7. Thread the ribbon into 1/4″ slits like lacing a shoe. Tie remaining ends into a bow.

    8. Add decorative heart on outside of flaps and make special “message card” ( trimmed with the edge of Royal Lace® Placemat) to tuck into the fold of the remaining flap.

Making Valentines can be as simple as cutting a heart out of red paper, writing your own special message on it and mounting it on a Royal Lace Medallion Doily slightly bigger than the heart.

Add bows, tiny flowers, lace or even a picture of yourself!

If you bring someone flowers, wrap them in a large Royal Lace® Medallion Doily.

Let us know how your project came out. Get your Royal Lace® Paper Doilies, Today!

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